Monday, December 21, 2009

Health Care

One quick note here:
I have been following politics for some time now and watch closely the left, the right, and the centrist. I am registered Independent. I try to make educated and informed decisions when it comes to my vote and what my part is in shaping the future of this country. The problem is I don't think we have a voice any more. The American People are kept out of the loop. I heard one comment. "The Only the affairs of Tiger Woods have been kept a better secret than what is in the bill that is being voted on during the Blizzard of 2009 at 1:00 a.m. on a Monday morning of Christmas week. It would be bad enough if just the people across America were not allowed to know what is in the bill but only a handful of the Senators have read what they are voting on as a bill that will impact one-sixth of our economy."
"We have heard this past week from President Obama that he would sign any Health Care bill no matter what is in it. We have heard Pelosi tell the Senate to not worry what is in the bill but just to pass it. We have learned that a special Medicare exception equaling six billion dollars a year has been promised for the state of Nebraska to gain the vote of one Senator. We have learned that there has been a new Louisiana Purchase with billions going to a Senator from Louisiana for her vote. We have learned late this last week that the polls say a majority of people want health care reform but also a majority of people do not like this current health care that they congress is attempting to pass and even most believe that it will make things worse.The House bill has been written by Nancy Pelosi and the Senate by Harry Reed. Why would we trust one-sixth of our economy to these two muchless our healthcare."

Saturday, November 28, 2009

manhattan declaration

This is something I think everyone needs to understand at some point in their life. Would you consider signing this after you read and full understand what it stands for? If you don't take a stand for what you believe you will see everything you love and trust in trampled by those who would like to blanket the world with what they believe. Apathy is a terrible, but true characteristic of of American society and it is pouring into the church. We have to stop it!

The Manhattan Declaration

Friday, November 13, 2009

Government Health Care

Ok, so if my tax money is paying for medical procedures that are for the convenience of other why can't I use it for getting plastic surgery, liposuction, or hair transplants for my receding hairline? If a women can have an abortion and our tax dollars pay for it then I want my nose done. After all, it is all in the name of convenience right.
I am not saying all 3,700 treasurers are silenced each day in the United States are done out of convenience, but statics show that they are not all done because the mothers are rape victims.
Here are some reasons some people feel it is ok to murder young unborn life.

• 21% Inadequate finances
• 21% Not ready for responsibility
• 16% Woman’s life would be changed too much
• 12% Problems with relationship; unmarried
• 11% Too young; not mature enough
• 8% Children are grown; woman has all she wants"

FYI "Jane", of the Jane Roe vs. Wade is now pro life!!! You check her out here!