Monday, January 2, 2012

New year next big thing

This year is going to be the year we move into the next big thing. We have been in transition for sometime now. God has equipped us and called us and now He is sending us. Here we go.

Monday, May 2, 2011

justice is a goal but revenge is a strategy

Tzedakah - meaning righteousness, fairness or justice - Justice, when applied to God, describes the way God is. God's justice is not something external to Him. He is infinitely righteous within Himself. When God acts justly He is not doing so to conform to some outside criteria; some law or principle or standard outside Himself. He is simply acting like Himself in any given situation. God is His own self-existent principle of moral equity.
Leviticus 19:18 Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.
Proverbs 24:17 Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth:
Remember justice is a goal but revenge is a strategy. Revenge is a strategy to feed a desire to payback to someone a wrong doing that was done to you directly or indirectly. Revenge is just a way of lowering your self to the standers of the ones who did you wrong.
That is, "justice" is what you’d agree is fair BEFORE finding out what’s going to happen in the world. Justice is unchanging. The “becomer’s Edge” as Jeremy Flagg would say is that we have Grace & Mercy on our side, but that is another post.
While I don’t condone what Bin Laden did I also don’t condone the emotional response from Christians that are hailing his death. Am I glad he is no longer on the Earth; my initial response is yes. Because of the terror he caused. Let’s not ensnare ourselves in something that can be avoided with a little wisdom. I too have to watch my emotional response and desire to feel like this was “Justice”.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Religion is a God

Do people treat religion as God because they need a physical idol or ideal?
Do they associate them as one and the same (see james 1:27 for true religion)
At what point do we give up the relationship we came into for a religious experience?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ignorance is Bliss...

...When you trust in God.

I have come to the realization that my plans mean nothing and my speculation of what the future holds amounts to the sum of my worry and desire to control everything around me.

I have accepted that sometimes ignorance as to what God has is bliss. largely due to the fact God has chosen this path for me, I have accepted to follow him, and therefore have no control since I give it all to Him.

It makes no since to hand God the keys to empower me and then take it back when I don't think He is doing it right. That would be like trying to tell you parents they are wrong when they dont allow you to go to a party with drugs and alcohol.

When we try and take back the control from God it only reveals our own lack of maturity and communication with God. If our relationship suffers so does our trust, God has wired you like that just accept it. It is a law of the created universe, anything not maintained will decay.

If you start believing, then you start trusting, then you will start becoming.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Month 2 into the new Year

Well God had something in mind with the calling and vision that he gave use that we did not expect. We do have the people that we knew would be the core group, but they are people we had never met before. It is at a church that is already been established and it is going to be a life changing journey in 2011. that i all for now...can't wait to start posting more.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

May God remember you like Noah,
favor you like Moses,
honor you like Mary,
fight for you like the Israelites ,
prosper you like Isaac,
promote you like Joseph,
intervene for you like Esther,
protect you like Daniel,
use you like Paul,
heal you like Naaman,
answer you like Elijah,
anoint you like David,
and keep you safe like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Faith Working Like a Dog

Faith with out works is dead. My last post I shared what God was doing in our lives and the amazing promise He has given us. well about two weeks after that post God sent me some amazing resources and mentors that I can draw from. I am glad I stepped out in faith and spoke the words that God asked me to share.
Because of the stepping out in faith God has blessed us with not only a direction, but also the means of getting there. I feel like all the things that God has been speaking to me for the last 15 years about is coming together and I can see where God has orchestrated everything in my life to bring me here with my Wife and Family. Word of the month, AMAZING!!